Coaching and Mentoring Skills

Coaching and Mentoring Skills


Coaching as a leadership and management style has become more important in the world of work today.  Coaching in the organisational context enables leaders to create alliances that sustain employee growth and competence. The manager/leader as coach aids the employee in discovering what is important and builds skills and abilities towards more effective decision-making and higher levels of organisational success. Coaching in organisations creates awareness, purpose and competence, bringing about collaborative solution focused results.  This is a systematic and enlightening process in which the specific concern of the leader is to work with an employee to achieve improved business results, improved business performance and operational effectiveness.


This is a 2-day programme from 8.30am – 4.30pm.

For Who?

This programme is aimed at those who wish to expand their management or supervisory repertoire to include a coach-mentoring approach to invite more ownership and engagement from their teams. It is of particular value to team leaders/supervisors and low and middle management.


By the end of this workshop you will have the tools to:

  • Understand what coaching is
  • Develop a coaching and mentoring philosophy’
  • Build self-awareness around their abilities as a coach
  • Develop coaching skills
  • Develop a coaching toolbox
  • Practice the application of tools and techniques for effective coaching and mentoring
  • Coach an intern using a variety of coaching models

Topics Covered

1. A definition of coaching and mentoring

  • Understand what coaching is and how it differs from other management styles.
  • Understand how to integrate coaching into other management styles and processes

2. Ethics and philosophy underpinning the coaching process

  • Generating a coaching ethic for effective coaching. The models we use are from the psychological theory of Transactional Analysis and they are specifically designed to develop an attitude and belief that people are ‘okay’; people can think for themselves; and people can change. The models include:
    • Life Positions – creating a safe environment
    • Discounting – how to recognise when a problem is being deferred or minimised and what to do about it
    • Drama Triangle – the “games” that people play and how not to “get hooked”
    • Ego States and Transactions –  communication styles and skills
    • Symbiosis – how to empower the coachee to move away from dysfunctional dependence on managemen

3. Coaching Skills

  • Contracting
  • Three Levels of Listening
  • Asking powerful questions
  • Making suggestions
  • Action planning
  • Following up

4. The Coaching Tool-Box

  • Mind Mapping
  • Driving and Resisting Forces
  • Wheel of Life
  • Johari Window
  • The Drama Triangle

5. Classroom Practical

  • Participants practice coaching each other and are assessed by the facilitator and by their peers

6. Workplace Practical

  • Participants are required to coach each other once a week for four weeks.
  • Feedback sheets are used for coach and ‘coachee’ to provide each other with feedback on the process and to assess the improvement of the coach each week.